Resistance Band Tricep Workout

Resistance Band Tricep workout

Here are 4 Tricep Exercises you can do at home.

In this resistance band tricep workout, I teach you 4 different tricep exercises. Here are the 4 exercises, resistance Band Tricep Extension, Resistance Band Single Arm Tricep Extension, Resistance Band Single Arm Tricep Kick Back, Resistance Band and Tricep Pull Down. These exercises will help strengthen and tone your arms. In the next few paragraphs, I am going to discuss where the triceps are located and tricep training frequency.

Where are your triceps?

Triceps are the bottom part of your arm.

As a personal trainer I get a lot of clients telling me that they want to improve the strength and definition of their arms. A lot of people tell me that they want to get rid of fat on the bottom part of their arm. The bottom part of your arm is your triceps and the top part of your arm is your Biceps.

Beginners might think that any arm exercises will improve their arms. While that is true to some extent, you need to target the different muscles in your arms. If your goal is to strengthen and tone your arms, then you need to do exercises for both your biceps and triceps.

Working out both muscles will sculpt your entire arm. It will also ensure that you don’t overtrain one part of your arm and develop a muscular imbalance. That being said, the next paragraphs are going to be dedicated to talking about how often I train arms. Hint, hint it depends on your goals!

This is a picture of the triceps. Tricep work is not included in this resistance band bicep workout but we have other videos that will help you with that.
Resistance Band Bicep Workout
This is a photo of your biceps. You can improve your arms by doing the resistance band workout in the video above.

How Often Should I do this resistance band Tricep Workout

Don’t do it everyday!

The resistance band tricep workout in this video is a great arm workout. You might be tempted to do it every day. However, if you are doing the exercises correctly then I wouldn’t recommend doing that. A good rule is to give a muscle group at least 1 day of rest in between heavy training sessions.

So, if you are doing between 3-5 sets of 10-12 reps of the exercises in this resistance band tricep workout then I recommend you take a break in between tricep training days. I know that isn’t a whole lot of info but the next step would be to get on some kind of strength training program to help you chose your exercises frequency. A coach like my self could help make those decisions for you.

The conclusion to Resistance Band Tricep Workout:

Train your triceps at least 2x a week

This article is all about doing a resistance band tricep workout. I give you an idea of how often you should be training your triceps. However, this is by no means the absolute best way for you to continue to see progress in your biceps.

That being said. I strongly recommend that you look into programming. The best way to see and get results is to be on a comprehensive strength program. That program needs to be tailored to fit your needs. If you are interested in that then please click the link to below to come workout with us.

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Set of Kettlebells:

The camera I use: Canon T6i

Supplements I regularly take:

Ascent Whey Protein

Ascent Casein Protein Ascent Pre-Workout

Learn other Resistance Band Exercises:

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