How to lose weight during the Holidays.

It’s going to be tough but you can do it.

The goal of today’s blog is to arm you 3 different tips to help you lose weight during the holidays. Losing weight during the holidays is a challenge but If you are up to the challenge then I have got you covered. Here is a list of the 3 tips, have a clear weight loss goal, have a clear plan, and plan for Holiday cheat meals.

Have a clear weight loss goal

To lose weight during the holidays you need to have a clear goal.

Do you know exactly what your fitness goal is? Because a lot of people don’t. As a personal trainer, I have noticed that most people have an incredibly vague fitness goal. If your goal is unclear, then your path towards that goal will be unclear.

You need a clear and concise fitness goal. Let’s say you want to lose weight. You will need to ask yourself “How much weight do I want to lose?” and you must follow that up with an awfully specific number. If you need help deciding how much weight you need to lose then I would recommend reaching out to a personal trainer or nutritionist.

Let us say of the sake of this discussion that you have decided that you want to lose 20lbs. Once you have made that decision you need to come up with an exact day that you would like to see that weight come off your body. You might say that you want to lose 20 lbs. in 4 months and even go as far as picking the exact day that your weight will off your body.

Get a Clear plan for your goal

To lose weight during the Holidays you will need a clear weight loss plan.

Now that you have a goal you will need to also find a clear plan for you to achiever your goal. So, if your goal is to lose weight then you will need a weight loss plan. Start off by looking for nutritionist that can help you achiever your goal in the next 4 months. Once you found the right plan you will need to consider what obstacles might get in the way of your goal.

This article is to help you lose weight during the Holidays. Losing weight during the holidays is tricky because people tend to either never start a diet this time of the year or just simple fall off track. Falling off track happens so easily this time of the year. I mean, there are all these temptations, but I have a solution for that.

How to lose weight during the Holidays
How to lose weight during the holidays

Plan for Holiday Cheat Meals

To lose weight during the Holidays you will need to plan your cheat meals

One of the best parts of the holiday season Is getting to enjoy food and drinks with your loved ones. I am all for that! However, the question for a lot of people is how do I enjoy food and drink during the holidays while staying on track with my weight loss goal? Well, the answer might easier than you would think.

If you think about the holidays season can be broken down to 5 major special holidays These are those holidays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year’s Eve. I know that there are a variety of different cultures and religious practices that also celebrate different holidays, but I think the days generally fall around the same time of year. So, for simplicity purpose let’s just cluster all the holidays together.

We have about 5 different holiday days. And most most of them revolve around a specific day of the year every year. So, my recommendation is that you plan to have a cheat meal on that day. Having a cheat meal on the isn’t what’s stopping your form losing weight during the holidays. What you are eating leading up to that holiday is what really matters.

The conclusion of How to Lose weight During the Holidays.

Enjoy yourself!

I don’t not believe in restricting yourself on the days like thanksgiving. I believe in spending time with family and eating your favorite foods. What really matters is what you are doing all years round. If you have been on track with your nutrition plan, then cheating on Thanksgiving won’t break your diet.


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