Resistance band Shoulder Workout
4 Shoulder Exercises
In this episode of the TBT Show I teach you how to do a Resistance Band Shoulder workout. In this video I teach 4 different shoulder exercises. These are the exercise I will be teaching the today. First, the Single Arm Strict Press or overhead press. Second, The Single Arm Lat. Raise. Third, the Resistance band Front Raise. Fourth, the Resistance Band Pull-Apart.
In addition to learning these exercises you will also learn the most common mistakes that people make when working resistance bands. I will teach you how to fix those mistakes so you can develop great form.
You might be wondering, “What’s the difference between these shoulder exercises?” Well, I am glad you asked. I am going to answer your question in the following paragraphs.
“What’s the difference between these shoulder exercises?”
They activate slightly different parts of the shoulder.
This is resistance band shoulder workout and each one of these exercises works out your entire shoulder. However, each of the selected movement workouts out a certain area of your shoulder In a different way. In order for you to understand this I will now teach about the different sections of your shoulder.
The shoulder has is comprised of three areas, the Front Delt, the Medial Delt and the Rear Delt. Each one of the muscles gets activated during all shoulder exercises. However, different kinds of shoulder exercises activate one area of the shoulder more than another area. The clearest example of this would be the lateral raise and the band pull apart.
Lateral Raises activate the medial delt. Whereas Band pull aparts work out the rear delt. You will feel activation throughout the entire shoulder muscle when you do either of these exercises. However, each of these movements activates a specific section of the shoulder more than the other and that is why it is valuable to do both.

The Conclusion to, Resistance Band Shoulder Workout | 4 Shoulder Exercises | No Attachment
A Summary of this Article.
In order, to get the most out of this resistance band shoulder workout, you will have to watch the video. The purpose of this article was to clarify which exercises you will see in the video and to answer some common questions that people have about working out your shoulder. I hope you enjoyed the article and please watch the video.
Links to some products that I use in this Resistance Band Shoulder Workout video.
Set of Kettlebells:
The camera I use: Canon T6i
Supplements I take:
Ascent Whey Protein
Ascent Casein Protein Ascent Pre-Workout
Learn other Resistance Band Exercises: