6 Resistance Band Chest Exercises with a door anchor
How to do the Workout.
In this Resistance band chest workout, I teach you 6 different chest exercises. These resistance band chest exercises will also activate your biceps, triceps, shoulders, forearms, back and core. The best part is that all you need is one resistance band and a door anchor.

The following is a list of the exercises you will learn today, Resistance Band Single arm High Cable Chest Press, Resistance Band Single Arm High Cable Chest Fly, Resistance Band Low Cable Chest Press and Resistance Band Single Arm Low Cable Chest PressThis workout is a follow-along workout. It will take about 15 mins to complete. You will do the exercises for 30 secs on and 15 Secs off.
Why do these resistance band chest exercises activate other muscle groups?
Most of them are compound exercises.
These chest exercises will activate your Chest, biceps, triceps, shoulders, forearms, back, and core. The reason that these muscles get activated is that most of these movements are compound exercises. Compound exercises are exercises that activate multiple muscle groups.
What happens if I feel it more in one of the other muscle groups than in my chest?
The answer is a little complicated.
When doing these chest exercises you might feel as though your triceps are activating more than your chest. First of all, there is nothing wrong with that. That might just mean that your tricep are substantially weaker than your chest. It could also mean that you need to learn to make a better mind muscle connection.
My first suggestion is that you check you’re from and make sure that you are doing the movements correctly. If your form is right then you will want to focus on slowing down the movement and feeling it in the chest. If you still don’t feel activation in your chest then you might need to go with a lighter resistance band. This could help you with making that mind-muscle connection.
The Conclusion of Resistance Band Chest workout
This workout is great!
These Chest exercises are great for toning and strengthening you chest. I recommend doing these exercises 2 or 3 times a week. I also recommend increasing the intensity of the exercises every week. Those tips will help you get results.
Links to the products I used in this Video
I use these products all the time.
The Resistances Bands I use: https://amzn.to/2R5tNZb
Resistance Band Door Anchor I use: https://amzn.to/39uYpxt
Kettlebell: https://amzn.to/3iRPPKZ
Set of Kettlebells: https://amzn.to/33NTKSP
The camera I use: Canon T6i https://amzn.to/2DVcsib
Supplements I take:
Ascent Whey Protein https://amzn.to/2RBkWP5
Ascent Casein Protein https://amzn.to/3mqtA1b Ascent Pre-Workout https://amzn.to/35KsffJ