Negativity and Your Fitness Goals
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Today we will discuss our own perception and your fitness progress, are you positive or negative? Now when new members come here, they are very concerned with losing weight. I know there are a lot of programs that help you lose that weight really, really fast. But here, I can help you find a healthy and sustainable way to lose weight. So what does that mean? You will have to have a big picture goal for the weight loss
When people start losing weight, they get really excited. But after time, sometimes people forget to give themselves credit when they’re doing a really good job. What happens when you pull up Instagram and start comparing yourself to old buddy who has lost 40 pounds (in what you assume to be one month) the slippery slope of comparison starts creeping in.
Here’s the thing: you shouldn’t compare yourself to others and you don’t know how that person lost his/her weight. You’re probably missing a bunch of facts and don’t have the whole story of howshe lost weight. If you aren’t careful, negativity about your process and results will start to creep in and the more negative you become, the more likely you are to fall off your goals.
So, when you feel like giving up or being negative… remember where you came from and honor your journey. Look back to where you started and congratulate yourself on the little things and what you’re doing well.
Yo! I’m not a licensed therapist or Doctor, I just talk about real shit that’s happened to my clients and me.
Do you have a fitness story you want to share? Contact me directly: