Just Try Part 2 | A Message for Beginners
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Just try, then try again, try a little harder… then TRY MORE.  Today we are talking about you and your fitness progress.  For some people the idea of “Just Do It” freaks them out, you’ve never been the fitness type or person.

I’ve been talking about it a lot in my gym, some people just need to hear slow and steady wins the race. Be gentle with yourself and your clients. Set small goals that you can achieve every day; I’m not saying skip the gym or make excuses.  Just try little by little and be consistent.   In my interview with Ashton, he said “if you look at the big picture goals, that can sometimes inhibit you from being present in the moment”. So, stop obsessing about the big picture goals and remember that the consistent small goals make up the big goals achievable.

All of the slow and steady progress leads up to your ultimate goals.  Take your time and try.  Hearin told me that she did the first full pushup of her life! It took TWO years and recovering from an injury, but she still did it and felt victorious!

Don’t beat yourself up the first time you try something, keep going and JUST TRY.  You aren’t supposed to be good at something the first time you try, keep at it and you will reach your goals.

Yo! I’m not a licensed therapist, I just talk about real shit that’s happened to my clients and me.

Do you have a fitness story you want to share? Contact me directly: TotalBodyTrainingTX@gmail.com.