How To Stop Self Doubt:
Self-doubt is a lack of confidence in yourself and your own abilities. Self-Doubt is the Belief that you cant do much of anything right. Or that you cant improve yourself. All of us have had some level of self doubt But some of struggle with it a frequently.
For some people, self-doubt is this endless negative feedback loop of damaging thoughts and stories that we tell ourselves about ourselves. If you have goals and aspirations these negative thoughts will get in the way of your success. I’m a fairly confident but I have to admit that from time to time I have moments of Self-Doubt. Here are 8 Tips I used to help me destroy self and improve my self esteem.
1. Seek Inspiration: This one can be as simple as reading books, watching movies or listening to Podcast that’s inspire and motivate you. Personally, I listen to plenty of audio books that help give me a positive outlook on life. Two books I love are The Subtle Art of not Giving A Fuck by Mark Ronson and The Obstacle is the Way By Ryan Holiday. Both of these books helped me understand how to manage and think about stress in my life. I can definitely say they drastically help me grow as a person.
2. Remember Your Accomplishments : Most of us have had some accomplishments. It can be as simple as graduating from school, running a 5k, or maybe you ending a bad habit like drinking soda or smoking. Remembering your accomplishments can hlep you boost your confidence and give you perspective for where you’ve been and where you can go when you work hard.
3. Be Proud of Your Strengths and skills: Maybe your strength is that you are good Listener. Your friends and family turn to you because you listen and your non-judgmental. They feel like you really understand them.
Perhaps, you have an awesome skill or talent like you bake the best damn chocolate chips cookies ever. Everyone wants your recipe and you’ll go to the grave before you give it to them.
Reflecting on the Accomplishments, strengths and skills can help boost your confidence.
4. Believe in yourself: This one might sound basic but let’s say you have a fitness goals, like maybe you desire to loose that extra 20 Lbs you gained after you got married. Or maybe you feel a bit skinny, so you want to put on some health mass. No, matter the goal you are going to need to believe in yourself. If you show up in the gym and start downing yourself mentally. If you start comparing yourself to everyone and belittling yourself You aren’t going to get very far. Life is like a screen play, and if your casting yourself a failure, then you’ll always be a failure. I’m not saying you need to believe next Jane Fonda or Ronnie Colman. What I am suggesting is that the moment you start to down yourself, your gonna need to stop right there and say to yourself that little by little I am stick to my goals and become the absolute best version of myself. That no matter what I am going to stick to my goals because I Believe in myself.
5. Random Acts of Kindness: Sometimes self doubt is rooted is self obsession. Personally, I have found that I am the most negative when all I do is think of myself. Try doing a random act of kindness every day. Here are some acts of kindness that anyone can do; pay for a random strangers drink at Starbucks, donate blood, and volunteer for a local. Being obsessed with your self can sometimes turn against you. Find ways to help others and you might feel happier and more relaxed.
6. Don’t Over Think Things: If you have a goal then go for it. Do not come up with ever reason why you can or can not commit to your goal. Do not over think the process. Spend more time doing and less time thinking about the whole process and I promise that the method to achieve your goal with become clearer.
7. Don’t Worry about What Other People Think: Your goals are special and unique to you. You are the master of your destiny. Far to often, I hear people say that they started getting in shape but then a friend or coworker started criticizing them and their life style. It’s sad to say it but sometimes the people in your life do not have your best interest at heart. People who put other people down for pursuing their goals are doing so because they lack the ambition to pursue their own goals. They are often secretly jealous of your ambition. Unfortunately, that person might not even now why they are bad talking your goals but it is generally because deep down they feel small whenever they see other people are improving upon themselves. Ignore what people say and you’ll be happier and more care free.
8. Get Outside your Comfort Zone: Part of the reason why you are struggling with self esteem is because you shrug away from trying new things that will challenge you. I believe that the more you challenge yourself in life the more confident you will become. Find something that will help you get outside your comfort zone. Here are some examples; Learn to dance, Join a Public Speaking Group, Enter a 5k or weightlifting competition. All of these activities can help you grow because they explore different aspects of your personal character. They challenge you to get outside your comfort zone. The more comfortable you get with discomfort, the more confident you’ll be with grow and taking life head on.
Thanks for reading this. Below are all the links I mentioned in the video.
Link To Blog:
Links To Books:
The Obstacle Is The Way- Ryan Holiday
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck – Mark Ronson
Personally, I listened to these books on Audible. Check it out below.