How to Single Leg Romanian Deadlift with a kettlebell?

Watch this tutorial to find out!

In this episode of Total Body Training, I teach you how to do a single leg Romanian deadlift with a kettlebell. I also teach you the following 3 things. First, we discuss the muscle groups that get activated when doing the RDL. Second, I teach you the proper form for the Single Leg RDL.  And Third, I teach you the common mistakes that people make when doing the RDL and how to fix those mistakes.

Which Muscles get activated when Doing the Single Leg Romanian Deadlift with a Kettlebell?

The Hamstrings are the primary muscle that gets activated in the SingleLeg Romanian Deadlift

The Single Leg Romanian Deadlift is considered a hamstring exercise. The RDL also activates multiple muscles throughout the body. You will feel the Single Leg RDL in the following muscles: hamstrings,  glutes and more. Hamstrings get activated in the Single Leg Romanian Deadlift

How do I make sure I’m doing the Single Leg Romanian Deadlift with a Kettlebell Correctly?

Let’s discuss learning proper form in the RDL.

If you want to see the right way to do the Single Leg RDL the I recommend you watch that video right now. That being said, I do want to point out a couple of things you can do to learn proper form.

First, Learn how to do a Conventional deadlift or regular Romanian deadlift. The conventional deadlift is the foundation for all other deadlifts so practice that first. The Conventional Deadlift is easier to learn than the Single Leg RDL because you don’t need to balance on one leg to do it. Watch this video to learn how to conventional deadlift with a barbell.

Second, watch my Single Leg RDL video and make sure that you completely understand how the movement works. That being said you might need to re-watch this video several times to understand how to do the Single Leg RDL. So, watch the video as man times as it takes to get it down.

Third, practice the movement without using a kettlebell. In fact, practice the Single Leg RDL without any weight whatsoever. The Single Leg RDL is challenging because it’s a balancing movement. So, I recommend that you practice the movement without using any weight and the slowly incorporate some weight. Once you add on weight you might that the movement gets easier. This is because the weight is acting as a counterbalance. So, use that to your advantage. And Try some heavier weight till you find your happy medium

Those are just a few tips that I left out of the Video. If you practice all those tips and still feel like you don’t understand the movement then re-watch the video and try again. You may have missed some of the tips.


A summary of what we learned.

In this blog we learned various tips and tricks to help you do you learn how to do a single leg Romanian deadlift. So, what should I do next? Go practice your Single Leg RDL until they are perfect!


Links to some of the products you see in this video.


Set of Kettlebells:

The camera I use: Canon T6i

Supplements I take:

Ascent Whey Protein

Ascent Casein Protein Ascent Pre-Workout