F.O.M.O – Fear Of Missing Out

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Fear of missing out, I personally struggled with this in my life. It’s a feeling that I’m going to miss out on something.  When I fist started lifting, I had a goal of getting swole.  I would do great for 2-3 days, but then would go on a drinking or eating binge and then I would start again.  I would skip my workout, because of the FEAR of missing out on something.  All of this yo-yoing at the beginning taught me something valuable.  What is it Jean Carlos?

If you let fear of missing out dictate or dominate your weekly habits you are going to chronically run into the issue of never pursing anything with any vigor or effectiveness.  Meaning: you’ll never get shit done.

I discuss and dissect the online definition of F.O.M.O. and my definition based life experience.  If you never have the conversation with yourself that you are HAPPY you didn’t go somewhere because it gave you the chance to work on a project, better yourself, or anything else.

What’s the answer Jean Carlos?  It’s true I want to go, but I really want to work on myself and make sure I don’t miss out of the small steps for the big goals.  I’m not saying that you shouldn’t avoid fun activities; I’m saying that changing your mindset about choices you make.  Remind yourself that you are setting time aside to work on yourself and reach your goals.

Your actions should match your goals, sit down and think about what will make you happy in the long run.

Yo! I’m not a licensed therapist, I just talk about real shit that’s happened to my clients and me.

Do you have a fitness story you want to share? Contact me directly:TotalBodyTrainingTX@gmail.com.