Consistency and Fitness Goals | Fit Tips #2
In this episode I discuss the importance of being CONSISTENT with your goals. I have to admit that, this was something I really struggled with when I first started training. In fact, I struggled with it in all aspects of my life. Learning the self-discipline to become consistent with my workouts was not easy but when I finally buckled down and COMMITTED myself to being more CONSISTENT, it changed my life. It not only changed my body but it also changed my world view. It helped give me a level of confidence in my goals and my future.
It so easy to start a fitness goal. You get a gym membership and start lifting weights and doing some cardio. Maybe you do this consistently few weeks but suddenly you become inconsistent.
Suddenly, one missed session turns into a week, and then a week and then a month. 6 months have passed and you’ve barley been to the gym.
You started off with all the right intentions, you feel you did everything right. You and did everything possible to get in shape but you forgot one thing. Consistency.
You see, consistency cannot be purchased in a store. Its an action that must be practiced in order to achieve any goal.
Think about it. In school, if you skipped classes and didn’t read or study and If you didn’t show up to take and quizzes or test, you would fail. You would be held back a grade.
Until you become consistent you’re going to hold yourself back from reaching and achieving your goals So, what I’m suggesting, is you consistently pursue your goals.Epictetus Said “No great thing is created Suddenly” If you want to get in shape your going to want to plan for the longer term, your going to want to plan to workout, on a consistent basis for 3-5 days a weeks for the next several months and oh no I’m going to say it…. here it goes…. the next year or even years…. If your wanting to get in shape your going to need to be okay with working out consistently on an indefinite basis. I promise you that if you do that, if you consistently pursue your goals you will slowly begin to the changes in your body that you have always wanted.