Overcoming Obstacles to your Fitness Goals

Overcoming Obstacles to your Fitness Goals

Overcoming Obstacles To your Fitness Goals  Everyone has life goal and If you are on my channel you probably want to, lose weight, tone up or build muscle.  It’s easy to start working towards your goal but then the moment you run into an obstacle, you give up. You...


I really appreciate my Total Body Training family. All of my clients bust their asses to be the best version of themselves in the gym and its incredible. I am especially impressed with my clients who have the busiest lives. Many of my clients have so much on their...
6 Ways Getting in Shape Will Improve Your Sex Life

6 Ways Getting in Shape Will Improve Your Sex Life

Ways Getting In shape will improve your SEX LIFE: People don’t talk about sex enough. In this episode of Fit Tips I discuss a few different ways that exercise can improve your SEX LIFE. I cover everything from how to improve your sex drive to how to have...
Q and A | Featuring Kids | Fit Tips Ep. 25

Q and A | Featuring Kids | Fit Tips Ep. 25

FIT TIPS 25 is here! This episode is the Second part of a Q and A Episode. You wrote in questions for me to answer and I have chosen two Amazing kids to read your questions. In this episode I talk about why I don’t consume much alcohol. I also have answer a...


Fo·cus /ˈfōkəs/ noun 1. The center of interest or activity. “Clearly, your health is the focus of your attention.” This is just glimpse into what a workout at Total Body Training looks Like. My people bust their butts to achieve their fitness goals. They...
Mindset and Your Fitness Goals

Mindset and Your Fitness Goals

Mindset And Your Fitness Goals FIT TIPS: Filming this episode of Fit Tips was a blast. In this episode we discuss MINDSET. Your MINDEST can either help you get closer to your FITNESS GOALS or hold you back. Carol Dweck, says there are two Kinds Of Mindsets. A FIXED...