Baby Steps

This is Fit Tips Episode number 4 and todays Fit Tip is Baby Steps. When it comes to getting in shape, there a several things we can improve on to maximize our health. A few things we consider when trying to get in shape are diet, supplements and exercises. Trying to do all of those things at once can be a little overwhelming for someone who is a beginner. That is why I personally recommend you use baby steps to gradually change your physical health.

The baby step method is pretty simple. Pick one new habit at a time. I personally recommend you pick working out as your first new habbit. Commit to working-out for at least 6-12 weeks CONSISTENTLY, (ie. 4-5 Days a week). If you made it that that far without dropping the ball you may then add on another new habit to your life and repeat the process again and then again in another 6-12 weeks. This is what I call taking baby steps. Now, you might feel that this process is to slow. I assure that it is not and here is why.

As, previously mentioned, there are several things we can do to change our health, diet, supplementation and fitness. But if you try to do these all at the same time you will more than likely fail. There are plenty of psychological studies that suggest that taking on that many habits at the same time will be a bit to much for you to juggle at once. You wont be able to give any one of these areas enough attention to do them effectively. So, instead you should try to use the baby step method.

Remember adding on new fitness habits can be a bit daunting. You can make the process of improving your health easier by slowly adding a a new habit every 6 to 12 weeks. This is what I call the baby step method. This is the method I use with all of my clients here at Total Body Training. I also use this same method in my own personal life and I believe it works great. I am convinced that if you follow the baby steps method that you will see results! Just give it a shot !

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