Always Remember Your Why

Always Remember Your Why | Ep. 3

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It is halfway through January 2018 so fitness clubs and gyms are packed. Millions of people are eagerly working out and trying to achieve their fitness goals. some want to lose wait others want to build good muscle or tone up. And there’s some that really are there for other goals like just getting healthy and taking better care of themselves. And still there are many more people who are also actively trying to take new kinds of supplements detoxes all sorts of things in an effort to get the body that they have always wanted and finally feel sexy and their skin.

And with the exception of spending all your money on supplements, I am all for this global trend towards better health.

I think that sometimes trainers and people within our industry get a bit negative about the fact that, so many people will start a fitness goal this time of the year and forget it by the time February rolls around. I on the other hand see New Year’s resolutions as an opportunity for someone to really look back and reflect on their past year and on their past self.

I really do believe that you can use a New Year’s resolution to your benefit to help you achieve your goal. But there is some truth to what many in the fitness industry say. Yes people do forget about their New Year’s resolutions very quickly.

And I suppose that we could come up with a lot of different reasons why that happens but ultimately, I think that one of the biggest reasons why people lose track of their fitness goals is because they are forgetting why they even started to begin with. Now before I go into this I want to say that if you have struggled with any kind of Eating Disorders or anything like that this conversation is not for you. This conversation is for the person who is struggling to change their body and struggling to change their mind.

Anyways back to my point here.
One reason why people just drop their fitness goals is because they forget their why.
They forgot the reason why they started.

I’m not talking about just anyone I’m specifically talking about someone who is very overweight and as a result of that has struggled with their body and their self image.

During client consultations I ask people why they came to see me? What is your goal? Why do you want to lose weight or get fit? I ask them to share personal moments that have caused them discomfort and have made them feel this need to lose weight. And they generally respond with some sad stories and those sad moments serve as a reminder to them that they need to lose weight and get in better health. Those moments are their Why. Those moments are the reason why they have fitness goals. And I personally believe that everyone should often reflect on the reason why they are pursuing their goals. Without a Why, you have no or reason for any of your actions. Forgetting your why is one of the reason why people just drop their fitness goals. Less than a month into trying to get in shape and you are already skipping sessions at the gym and picking up pints of ice cream on the way home from work because you’ve have another bad day.

Your forgetting your why. You are forgetting that dread the thought of being in family photos because you are scared to see how much weighed you’ve gained this year. You try your best to always be the one behind the camera and if you absolutely must be in the photo then you hide behind one of your relatives so that people can’t see your body.
You have forgotten your why.

Your forgetting your why. Your forgetting that You don’t take photos because I hate seeing myself fat. In my family I am always the one behind the camera. Mom always takes the picture because mom is fat. And if I’m ever actually in the photo I will try to stand behind someone so you can’t actually see my body.

But I find these are each of my clients reasons why they need to lose weight and I also think it’s important for you to remember them frequently and reflect on them when you feel like giving. If a month in to your weight loss plan you find yourself losing track you need to reflect back on things like this. I’ve had people tell me that the reason they came in to lose weight with me is because this holiday season they couldn’t stand being in front of photos with their family because of how fat or overweight they were they hated looking at themselves and would prefer to stand behind their friends and family in the photo or be the one who’s taking the photo so that they don’t have to be in it. I’ve also had people tell me that.

You forgotten how painful that moment was when you went to the store and ran into somebody you haven’t seen in awhile and they commented on how much weight you’ve gained.

You have forgotten that during the summer you oftentimes don’t like to wear bikini or even a bathing suit and opted to sit on the beach or wear a shirt when swimming because you’re uncomfortable about your body and your weight.

You forgotten that you avoided going to your 10 or 20 year high school reunion in fear that your classmates might be in better shape than you like the very least comment on how overweight you are.

Going to the store to buy new clothing is a pain for you because it reminds you that you are gaining weight and then Nothing fits your body correctly.

If you do this s*** then s*** will happen if you don’t do this s*** then ain’t s*** going to happen.