Age As An Excuse

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I’ve heard a lot of people that say they’re “too old” to workout and lose weight.  Age ain’t nothing but a number!

As we get older, we do go through changes and lose muscle mass and pack on some pounds.  Maybe you got comfortable, you go the job you want, you got married… maybe you just eat an extra helping of whatever.  No big deal! It’s never too late to start a healthy lifestyle to combat the aging process.

It’s a common belief that old age packs on the weight… well this is only partly true.  The other part is, your metabolism changes, but you can definitely do something about it.  Some people seem to think just because they never worked out means they can’t now.  This is not true!  It’s never to late!  Your health journey is yours and can start at any age.  Don’t let the excuses of age get in your way, start your journey.

You should work out and can work out… AT ANY AGE.

Yo! I’m not a licensed therapist, I just talk about real shit that’s happened to my clients and me.

Do you have a fitness story you want to share? Contact me directly: