How To Conventional Deadlift With Ashton Rouska In this episode of the Total Boyd Training Show Ashton Rouska shares how he performs The Conventional Deadlift. If you Ashton Rouska, he is an elite level powerlifter who competes in the USAPL. Ashton has been lifting since he was a young teenager and he has will continue to push the limits of what he can do with his body in the power-lifting world. Everyone’s deadlift is a little bit different however there are some very basic fundamental skills that everyone needs to have inorder to deadlift correctly. In this episode of Total Body Training Ashton Rouska Teaches us those basic deadlifting skills and he also offers us some insight into the small difference between how he deadlifts and how other people might pull their Conventional Deadlift. Ashton also showed us how he liked to Sumo Deadlift. You can watch him teach his sumo dealift in a YouTube Video we made called How to Sumo Deadlift With Ashton Rouska. Here is a link to that video.… If you are new to deadlifting then I want to tell you a little bit about what the conventional deadlift does. The conventional Deadlift is a compound movement. Compound movement workout your entire body. This makes the Conventional Deadlift and amazing full body exercise. A few examples of other compound exercises would High Bar Squats or Front Squats. Despite the fact that the Conventional deadlift is a compound exercise we should talk about the fact that it definitely targets a few muscles more than others. The Conventional Deadlift is mostly a hamstring exercise. It also works out various parts of your back. You will especially feel it in your low back. So, don’t be alarmed if you feel warmth and activation in your low back. Now there are various kinds of Deadlifts and some of them workout your back and hamstrings and glutes in different ways. If would would like to learn other version of the deadlift than you can click on this Hamstring Tutorial Playlist from Total Body Training…