What Is Whey Protein Concentrate Made of?
Let’s begin. So whey protein specifically is considered a fast absorbing or fast suggesting protein. The benefit of having something that’s fast adjusting like Whey protein is that when you workout during the process of working out your body starts to break down muscle tissue and then it’s going to repair and rebuild. What we want to do is make sure that the repair process goes more smoothly and that our body builds more than it breaks down. In that way, it repairs and builds muscle effectively. The best way to do that is by feeding your body as soon as possible after a workout; some people even suggest during your workouts with protein. Now the easiest and best source of protein to take in when you’re working out or even after your workout is a whey protein concentrate or Whey Protein Isolate. The distinct difference between whey protein concentrate and Whey Protein Isolate first whey protein concentrate is the basic form of whey protein.

It’s the most simple form that’s taken from the derivative milk. It’s got lactose, some carbs and some fat and lots of protein that is very easily digestible. When we get into Protein Isolate what we do is we’re actually deriving the whey protein concentrate. We’re taking out from the whey protein concentrate, most of the fats and the carbs and we’re sure as heck taking out the lactose. So the benefit what people will debate is which one is better. Now in my book and most people will tell you that it doesn’t really make that big of difference. The only people who really worry about this are people who are really really hot and bothered or crazy about supplements and nutrition timing and things like that. However, both of them work just fine. My personal recommendation is that if you want to take whey protein but let’s say you have a mild allergy to something like lactose products- things like milk or cheeses make your tummy sick then the best option for you, if you’re wanting to do a whey based protein and animal protein is to take that whey protein and have an isolate version of that protein. So that is because it’s lactose free or it’s next to no lactose so it should not affect your stomach the same way that drinking a glass of milk would or drinking some ice cream or whatever it is that makes your stomach feel poorly.

You can still get the benefits of whey protein when you take Whey Protein Isolate. It typically costs a little bit more than whey protein concentrate which is exactly why I take whey protein concentrate. But do we actually need protein in order to. grow and develop and build up our bodies? The answer is No. You can get protein from lots of other sources. The reason why you would want to take that protein shake is to simplify your life or to get that protein into your system quicker. A lot of times when you work out the moment that you’re done you’re not really hungry and you don’t really feel like eating. So a good thing to do is to just throw down a protein shake because it’s easily digestible. It doesn’t fill up your stomach the same way that like a plate of chicken breast and broccoli and all these things would make your stomach feel directly after a workout.

Now this shouldn’t replace necessarily or whole meal I mean you’re going to want to eat meals as well but let’s just say that it just makes your life a lot easier. Now again do you need whey protein? No, It all goes into the category of supplement and supplements are there to supplement your already existing solid good diet. You don’t actually need most supplements in order to improve your body or improve your physique. While you know you could just replace the whey protein with something like eggs or with chicken or with beef or some kind of lean protein source, Buffalo, whatever you want will do. The major difference is that your body absorbs whey protein a little bit quicker and it’s just easier to eat when you’re going on the go when you’re on the fly. So if you don’t have the extra money for whey protein concentrate or whey protein isolates, don’t spend it, don’t worry, what is making a bodybuilder or a powerlifter the best bodybuilder or the best powerlifter it’s not the whey protein that they’re drinking. The whey protein isn’t what’s giving them the crazy good physique or the crazy powerlifting skills or Olympic weightlifting skills or cross fitting skills that they have. What it’s doing is just supplementing their already awesome diet, potentially good genetics, and their regimen with working out.