My Morning Routine

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Seems like everyone is talking about their morning routines to get them pumped to face the day!  So I’m here to share what works for me in the morning.  It’s not super fancy, but gets the job done.

First thing I do is wake up, take care of business, and then weigh myself.   I walk over to the kitchen and make myself a cup of go-go juice (Blue Mountain Coffee).  I weigh out my coffee and use a cool pour over system and treat myself to a piping hot cup.  While the coffee is percolating, I wash my face and get all pretty for the day. After I pour my honey a cup of joe to go… I break out the Pure SFH protein powder to get my smoothie on.

Spinach, almond milk, protein powder, and sometimes I add some fats for breakfast and blend it up in the Nutrabullet.  Now, I could eat eggs and cook breakfast… but I ain’t a morning person and enjoy my shakes. I then drink my shake while checking e-mails and text messaging. The mornings for me are really about checking out if theirs a crisis, then I’ll handle it right there.  If it’s not a crisis, then I give myself some time to digest the information.    I’m not a morning person, so I really like to give my brain a chance to wake up.

I now walk about 30 minutes a day, typically on a treadmill to be able to answer messages or work on content while I’m getting my blood flowing and my body going.  It really sets me up for the rest of the day. Sometimes I will deviate from my routine, I give myself flexibility to change what I do in the morning based on what’s going on with content and life.

I really try hard to do a morning walk every day, except on the weekends; they’re a little different than my normal routines.  This is what works for me right now and every few months I will change it to what works for me at that moment in my journey.

Yo! I’m not a licensed therapist or Doctor, I just talk about real shit that’s happened to my clients and me.

Do you have a fitness story you want to share? Contact me directly: