Silver Bullet Mentality

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Silver bullet mentality is extremely common for beginners.  If your goal is to look and feel better, then we will have to change how you view your health and fitness.  What is a silver bullet mentality?  WE have a tendency to want to resolve our issues in an easy way.  There’s really nothing wrong with wanting an easier way, why go with the more difficult option?  What is also is true is everything takes time and effort.  Health and fitness takes time and effort, but our culture has bombarded us with quick weight loss & fitness plans.

But it’s super important to look at the big picture. Don’t get overwhelmed, I’m going to help you look at the big picture and break it down to smaller baby steps for you to reach your goal.  Most of my demographic wants to feel better and look better, so here are 5 tips that will help you reach the big picture goal with small steps.

Eat healthy most of the time.  Give yourself the freedom to have meals that aren’t really part of your nutrition plan.   So, focus on eating well most of the time with a few snacks or treats. Find a plan that works for you and stick to it.

Getting proper sleep.   Sleep is super important because of a whole bunch of things!  I’ll run down the list, but it’s scientifically important.  You have to find time to sleep and get proper rest, between 7-8 hours (it’s science folks).

Exercise. At least 5 days a week, or get movement 6-7 days a week.  Some people think that exercise is a luxury or not necessary.  Here’s the deal, we were meant to move and walk.  It’s part of our biology and nature, we were not meant to sit still all the time. It’s just as important as brushing your teeth. I’m not saying spend 3 hours in they gym a day, start with 3 and build up to at least 5 days a week.

Your mental health – CHECK YOURSELF.  If you aren’t growing as a human or constantly checking in with yourself, you may have a lot of negativity in your thoughts, anxiety or other issues.  There are a lot of books out there that helped me change my thoughts about life. Now, I do recognize mental health biological & genetics factor in, it’s still important to check in with how you are talking to yourself & others.

Interpersonal relationships.  Make sure you don’t have toxic relationships. Maybe you have a nagging person in your life or you expect things from other people that are unreasonable.  Just check in and make sure that people are supporting you.

I believe if you have these things in check, your overall health will improve.  Now how does this relate to the silver bullet mentality?  Listen to find out how these things impact you and your fitness journey.

Yo! I’m not a licensed therapist or Doctor, I just talk about real shit that’s happened to my clients and me.

Do you have a fitness story you want to share? Contact me directly: