Client Spotlight | Rosie Dean | Her Fitness Story

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Today’s episode is brought to you by carbs: Bread… right now Dave’s Killer’s Bread is Rosie’s favorite.

Rosie is one of my Master level athlete that has been kicking ass in the gym. Today we are going to talk about lifting at the age of 50+ and becoming a ‘fitness’ person later in life.  It’s never to late to start your fitness journey!

Rosie grew up on a farm and worked long-hard hours with her dad and sister. Growing up with hard work and functional strength has allowed her to adapt to power lifting easily.  Around age 18/19, she moved to town and left physical labor.  She talks about how she partied a bunch and how she joined a small gym/bar.  She lost 100 pounds and then got married and had kids. With her pregnancies she gained a lot of weight and struggled to find time for herself.  The weight started packing on and she adapted to family life.

Rosie found Total Body Training after realizing she needed to change after losing her mom and sister to health issues.  At first, it was physically challenging and intimidated, but had the mindset of “you’ve got to start somewhere”.  Once you start coming you make friends and it becomes a routine.

Rosie doesn’t exactly remember why she chose Total Body Training, so through Groupon she chose TBT due to proximity of her work… and was hooked!

Sumo deadlift is Rosie’s thing and it makes her feel good.  She loves her deadlift and knows that she’s good at it. Slowly she’s gotten better at squats, but loves the deadlift.  Years of sitting and being sedentary, Rosie started with mobility issues and now can squat 100 pounds at depth.

Rosie says take that first step and make yourself go.   Sometimes, the drive is the hardest part, but in the long run it works out!

Yo! I’m not a licensed therapist, I just talk about real shit that’s happened to my clients and me.

Do you have a fitness story you want to share? Contact me directly: