FIT TIPS: Back in 2012 I was a pretty big pariter. I SMOKE and DRANK a lot ! I was partying SEVERAL days a week… That life left me feeling sick, tired and unsatisfied. I wanted to change myself. I started reading and working out more. At first it was tough. I didn’t exactly love working out but I sound found myself enjoying exercise. Working out became this incredible HABIT that helped me grow as a person. I slowly, started to cut back on my drinking and eventually I quit smoking. At the time I was relying heavily on those things to make me happy but I was becoming a different person. Here’s my point. It’s never to late to grow and change as a person. If you want to get in shape but keep struggling with building a solid WORKOUT HABIT, then watch this video. This episode of FIT TIPS is all about BUILDING GOOD HABITS. If you enjoy the video PLEASE, LIKE and SHARE it with your friends. You never know who you might be helping. Also, 3 amazing people helped me make this video.

Costume Design by Cherry’s Costume Galore
^^^^^They provided the costumes we wore in this video^^^

GO FOLLOW: Melissa Behymer A.K.A The Bride

GO FOLLOW: Jordan Skruhak

The Power Of Habit by Charles Duhigg
