Baby Steps

Baby Steps Part 2. The idea of working out can be a bit scary to a beginner. That’s perfectly understandable. Personally, I actually think it’s better for you to acknowledge that but acknowledging that doesn’t mean you don’t do anything. Instead, what I would encourage you to do is to take a itsy bity baby steps with your fitness.

Fitness is all about movement and if you are out of shape chances are you aren’t moving enough. So, instead working out in big scary gym, I suggest start going for daily walks. Walking is pretty much the most basic form of movement and we should all do it more often. I recommend you walk for 10 mins maybe 3 to 5 times a week for at least 6 weeks. And after that 6 weeks add on a few more minutes maybe walk for 12 or 15. This is called habit stacking and I like to think of it as Little tinny, weeny, baby steps.

Now, some of you are probably thinking,  “What they hell am I going to get out of walking for 10 mins a day?” I’m glad you asked! There are tons of health benefits to walking. 1. Improves your mood. 2. It improves your metabolism. 3. Its helps you burn a few calories. “Wait a minute,  I don’t care about all that garbage, im trying to loose some weight here buddy, and walking aint gonna do the trick.”

You are absolutely your right! Walking 10 mins a day isn’t going to get you bikini ready. However,  The simple act of adding on this small habit will help teach your brain and your body to be able to endure through some physical stress and ideally, over 12, maybe 18 or 24 weeks you’ll have built the mental grit and physical strength to try something a little bit more challenging like, running or hell taking a weightlifting class.

So, when you’re going for your walk just remember, this is only the start of your fitness journey. Remember that your building up to doing something more challenging. Think of yourself as a little baby, squirming around on floor looking up at every one else walking around with ease. You see all babies know that you got to take baby steps before you can walk!

Alight people, I hope video helpful! I would really love some of your baby step stories, what little steps have you taken in your own like towards improving your health? If you have any, consider leaving those down in the comments section because you might just inspire someone!