Supplements: Overrated or Underrated | Episode 6
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Topic: Supplements
My personal opinion and the facts I’ve realized and my journey to streamlining my diet and work-outs. I believe that supplements are… overrated. Don’t freak out or be offended, I am trying to encourage you to have a conversation about supplements.
What’s the reason you want to take supplements? The desire to take care of yourself, but let’s examine WHY you’re taking supplements. Deficiency? Lacking energy? B12 is AWESOME right?!? The truth: the sales person is just that, a sales person. Evaluate your why, have you exhausted all the other options? If you are lacking energy, maybe instead of jumping for a quick fix, ask yourself how many hours of sleep are you getting? Fully examine the root of your problem so your supplements don’t become a Band-Aid for your aliments.
Wait, what? You can OD on specific supplements!
Go to the doctor and get blood work and tests done to see if you are actually deficient in certain vitamins. Let’s say that you don’t feel well and that most Americans are deficient in Vitamin D and start taking it. Turns out you aren’t deficient… so you’re just throwing away money and gambling with your health.
Are the supplements you taking actually composed of what it says? Supplements are unregulated by FDA, so there are cases where the product doesn’t have what the label says. So, I fully recommend you making sure that the products are third party certified and verified that the ingredients are 100% accurate.
If you want to take a supplement, find out if you need it first. Are you deficient in anything? You may not actually need vitamins. Then work from there and figure out the root of the issue before you step into your local supplement store. You will take safe steps and maybe save money.
What about protein powders and those delicious cookies? These all fall under the supplements category and make sure your selection is third party verified.
My personal experience and clients’ experience have helped shaped my opinion. Do you think supplements are overrated or underrated?